photo viideo content beach resort marketing

Photo or Video Content: Which is better?

Great photos or videos enhance interaction and endear your beach resort to customers. Visual content is much easier and quicker to consume and engage with than long-form blogs and articles. Chances are, you are losing your message if you use only a text-based blog post rather than visual content.

Images and videos each have their own set of advantages. Let’s look at what they are, when they should be utilized, and how they assist in enhancing your social media presence – and your beach resort.

photo video on the beach resort

Photo Content

Images perform well on all platforms, but Instagram and Pinterest are by far the greatest networks for this creative media. Alternatives include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. Unfortunately, image-focused sites, such as Instagram, face intense competition.

Read More: Book More Guests With The Power Of Resort Photography

Video Content Marketing

Recording videos can be simple and convenient, and they are more interesting than photographs. Welcome videos, virtual reality tours, resort updates, and demos are all examples of fantastic video content that can drive visitors to your website while also increasing sales.

Making short films is affordable, but prices rise if you desire a high-quality level of video production.

Although YouTube is the undisputed king of video content, videos also do well on Facebook. Instagram is the finest alternative for short videos, even better than YouTube.

Video editing for beach resorts

Photo or video content: Which is better?

Photo Creation vs Video Production

Smartphone cameras are capable of producing amazing images, and applications allow you to rapidly edit them, apply filters, and do other things.

Should you want to go beyond the limitations of a smartphone for better quality photos, a professional camera plus editing software can be expensive and time-consuming to operate. In our opinion though, it is a great investment. If you can hire professionals to take photos of your resort, its amenities, and your other offerings, that would be even better.

Creating video clips takes much more effort than photo-based posts. Video production is a time-consuming endeavor that could easily take the bulk of your day.

Fret not, as there are now phone apps that help you create online videos much quicker than before. This production process is still a bit slower than creating images for posting, but a fantastic way that definitely speeds up the video production process.

Brand Awareness

On social media, strong visual material has the same effect for great brand awareness. It offers people a reason to follow you, like you, comment on your posts, and eventually book a room in your resort.

While still images and such content may communicate a whole tale in a moment, using video marketing tells the story in a fourth dimension – time.

By 2020, digital video content will account for 82% of all web traffic.

That implies you’re passing on reach and engagement if you’re not providing video content on your social channels. And there are a plethora of social media platforms to select from:

  • Stories (Facebook and Instagram)
  • Snapchat
  • IGTV
  • YouTube
  • Live video (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram)
  • Tik Tok
  • In-feed video (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest)

However, as Facebook research shows, not everyone will stick around to view the entire video content, thus there is a possibility that a section of your target audience will miss your message entirely.


Pictures garner more likes and prompt interaction, but you must publish them frequently and ensure that they are related to your business’s goals in order to turn them into followers or devoted customers.

On average, LinkedIn postings with photos have a 98% greater comment rate. Tweets with visual content are three times more likely to receive interaction. Posts featuring images on Facebook receive more likes and comments.

Video material is unique in that it is difficult to employ to generate interaction. After all, making a movie requires far more resources and work than simply taking photographs.

Although videos might not create as much interaction in terms of likes, they do receive far more comments than images. This implies that, while fewer people will watch a video than see an image on Instagram, those who do will be far more likely to connect with it meaningfully by commenting and sharing their opinions.

This can go a long way toward increasing overall involvement.

You may post video content on any of your social media channels, but for the most interaction on Facebook and Twitter, upload engaging video directly rather than sharing the YouTube or Instagram video link.

Video Content Production on the beach


While it may come as a surprise to you, there is no black and white here. When developing a successful social media marketing strategy, you cannot rely solely on image or video material as your only source of visual content.

In reality, a mix of video and photo posts is an efficient approach to reach your target audience and increase interaction over time. It is also critical to ensure that your visual content is both deliberate and relevant.

Make films to connect with your audience and create brand loyalty, not merely to generate interaction with your target market. When generating visual content, keep your goals in mind at all times.

You may discover that movies generate more interaction, while pictures generate more conversions. Devise an A/B testing strategy and use the results to make data-driven campaign decisions in the future.